September 2018 - Thailand & Cambodia

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Additional food pics and more photos may also be seen on my Tumblr.

I decided on Thailand and Cambodia for this year's trip.  Travel buddy kumi went with me.  We had an eventful time getting here. Lyft and Amtrak were good. BART had some issues with maintenance, bus transfer, train transfer, and a “security incident” at SFO BART. (Mental note: Probably not a good idea to be standing behind a cop with his gun drawn if the person he’s pointing his gun at also has a gun drawn.) The BART ride which should have been about an hour, took about 2 hours. Still plenty of time to catch the flight though. kumi was already there. Quick check-in, quick boarding.

The 13 hour flight to Taipei seemed short.  Probably because I had a window row all to myself. I slept most of the flight. Long layover in Taipei, then off to Bangkok.

We arrived in Bangkok to find Bangkok Airways agents waiting for me.  Seems I had a very short layover in Bangkok and they wanted to make sure I made the flight.  We also found out that we had been put on different flights for the 3rd flight.  kumi’s flight was an hour after mine.  Minor inconvenience, but still ok.

I caught the flight and arrived in Koh Samui without issue.  Anantara Lawana was there waiting for me.  Since the resort close to the airport, the driver convinced me to drop off my bag, check-in, then we could come back to the airport to pickup kumi.  That worked for me.  Checked-in, welcoming drink.  Got a free upgrade on our room to one with a plunge pool.  Went back to the airport to pickup kumi.  Returned.  She got her welcoming drink.  Then off to our suite.  After more than 25 hours of travel, we made immediate use of the plunge pool.

Anantara Lawana
is a big, beautiful resort, overlooking the Gulf of Thailand o Chaweng beach  There is a lot to do or not do here.  We went diving the first couple of days.  We dove with Silent Divers.  They were great.  They picked us up from the resort.  All our gear was setup and waiting for us on the boat.  The boat itself held a surprisingly large number of people, both divers and snorkelers.  When it came time for our dive, they helped us with our gear.  Between dives, they prepared an awesome lunch.

The dives themselves were ok.  The first one would have been good except there was a strong current.  The others were very good.

After the dives, we returned to the resort.  We had to decide whether to make the 100 meter walk to the restaurant for lunch, or return to our suite and do in-villa dining.  In-villa dining won out.  It was a great choice.  So much so that we did it again for dinner...  Three nights in a row...  I blame diving and a couple of massages...  Laziness may have also influenced our decision .

While in Koh Samui, I spent 3 days diving. kumi did 4.  One of those days, we went diving with Discovery Dive Centre. The main reason for diving with them was they could get us inside  Ang Thong National Marine Park.  The dive sites, in my opinion, were not good.  The boat was good.  The dive staff were great.  Poor visibility at both dive sites.  kumi, on the other hand, liked the dive sites.

After diving, we returned to the resort.  This time however, instead of doing our usual siesta and order room service, we actually walked to Ocean Kiss, one of the resort restaurants for dinner.

We did one other thing besides diving:  We scheduled a private tour.  Since it was just us, we went where we wanted and were on our own schedule.  I can't name, spell or pronounce some of the places we went to,  but I did take photos.

We returned to the resort after the tour.  kumi returned to our suite, I walked around the resort to take more photos. The resort staff were having some kind of sports day.  I wasn't there for all of it so I wasn't too clear on what was going on.  But what little I saw was entertaining.

Later, pool bar, more plunge pool,  sleeping by plunge pool, sleeping in bed, then dinner at Ocean Kiss. 

We stayed 6 nights in Koh Samui, Thailand.  From there we went to Siem, Reap, Cambodia.  We stayed at the Anantara Angkor Resort.  This is the smallest Anantara resort I have ever stayed at.  That's not a negative.  It's a beautiful resort and we had another great room.

Our first full day in Siem Reap was supposed to be a mellow day.  We started out with the Anantara breakfast buffet.  While at breakfast, the Anantara Angkor social media representative stopped by our table and introduced himself.  He also gave us recommendations for things to do and places to eat.  One of the places he recommended was APOPO.

The APOPO Visitor Center in Siem Reap is an information center highlighting the recent history of conflict in Cambodia, the impact of landmines on local communities, and it gives the opportunity to meet and see the HeroRATs in action...  Yes, rats.  They use well trained rats (trained to the cost of 6000 euros each) to find landmines.  These are big rats, but they don't weigh enough to set off landmines. It was actually very interesting.

After APOPO, we went to the Angkor National Museum.  As far as museums go, this one is very nice.  The layout is well organized with a defined path of which way to go through the museum.  The combination of ancient artifacts displayed with current technology worked well together.  The optional audio tour added a very nice touch.

We decided to have an early dinner after the museum.  We got a Tuk Tuk outside the museum and had the driver take us to Jungle Burger.  I normally never eat burgers while traveling because there is so much other stuff to eat.  But this place was recommended by Anantara social media guy, so we went.  It was great.  Gourmet burger, fries or potato wedges, and a beer (I don't drink beer so I opted for something else) for around $7.00.  I had the Mushroom and Creamy Black Pepper Sauce Burger.  kumi had the Blue Cheese and Bacon Burger.  BTW, the Bob Marley Burger is no longer on the menu.

Our Tuk Tuk driver was waiting for us when we were done.  We had him take us back to Anantara just in time to get my complimentary happy hour drink 

The next day was was Angkor Archeological Park day:  Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Ta Prohm, etc.  We left the resort at 0500. The plan was to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat.  A quick stop at the ticket center then off we went.  (Interesting note:  They take your picture as part of the park ticket so it can`t be reused by someone else later.)  We did arrive before the sun rose, but unfortunately, it was cloudy and raining.  It was still a nice view though.  The rest of the day we just visited different sites in the Park.  The Park is huge.  There is a lot to see and do.  We spent over 8 hours here and still did not see everything.  But we did manage to get in a rowing boat tour at Angkor Thom.

We vegetated most of the following day.  We went out when the sun went down.  We got a Tuk Tuk and went to Miss Wong for drinks.  It's a cute place down an alley off of Pub Street.  I really liked the drink I had.  I don't think kumi could say the same about her mocktail.

After drinks, we decided to find a place to eat.  It was a choice between a restaurant called MonSoon and another place.  As it turned out,  MonSoon was about 40 ft from Miss Wong.  So it won out.  It's a very nice place.  Great service.  Excellent staff.  Shout out to Osa!  Very good food and drink.  I really liked the the Signature Fish Curry I had.  I can't spell or pronounce what kumi had, but she said it was good too.

We went to Pub Street from MonSoon.  This seems the place to be for night life.  Bars, restaurants, shops, etc. all here.  There is a wide variety of things to eat, drink, and do.  Night Market is next to Pub Street.  We spent some  time here before getting a Tuk Tuk back to Anantara and calling it a night.

Of course we had a do nothing day.  Eat, sleep, massage,  sleep, eat, sleep.  The following day was War Museum and Buddhist temple/mini killing fields.

We stayed 6 nights in Anantara Angkor, then headed up to Phnom Penh.  We hired a private driver.  This was a convenient and much better way to go.  I think the actual drive from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh takes about 5 hours.  But since we had our own driver, we could make detours.  One stop was the Preah Tis Bridge.  It's one of the few Khmer empire era bridges to haved survived to the modern day.  Another stop was at the Sambor Prei Kuk temples.  They were out of the way, but still interesting.  A few stops and hours later, we arrived in Phnom Penh.

The difference between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh is huge.  Traffic is crazy.  (Stop signs are more of a suggestion than a rule.)  A lot more buildings packed together.  We were staying at the Patio Hotel & Urban Resort.  Although it is in an alley, it is a nice hotel.  Excellent views from the restaurant and pool.  Though if you have a fear of heights, you may not enjoy it as much

The following day was another tour day.  We started off with a buffet breakfast at the Patio hotel.  After breakfast, we met our driver.  The same service that drove us from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, would also be driving us around today.  The first stop was the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum.  The second was the Killing Fields at Choeung Ek Genocidal Center.  We spent three and half hours at Tuol Sleng.  I didn't have the attention span for the Killing Fields so I went back to the hotel.

I got a 90 minute massage  at the hotel.  After which I took a walk around the block.  There is a lot squeezed into this block:  Hotels, bars, restaurants, stores, apartments, etc.  I wondered how many of them do business because they're so hidden away.

I stopped at a restaurant in a hostel, across from our hotel, for lunch.  (I always try to check out restaurants outside of where I am staying.)  It was called Feliz.  It was nice.  Good food and drink.  Reasonable prices.  Good service.  I finished just in time to meet kumi returning from her tour.  Of course, she was hungry, so we went to Feliz...  I had another drink.

We stayed 3 nights at the Patio Hotel.  The last night we went to a restaurant called Malis Cambodian Restaurant.  Trip Advisor has it listed as $$$$.  However, while there are some items on the menu that are pricey, there are many other food selections that are much more reasonable.  Everything we had was very good and reasonably priced.

Things of note about this trip:

  • Cambodia and Thailand are about 14 hours ahead of California.
  • "Stop signs are more of a suggestion than a rule" seems to be also true in Cambodia.
  • Do e-visa before going to Cambodia.  Going through immigration will be much faster.
  • Toyota seems to have the market on cars in Cambodia.  Especially with Lexus RX 300's and 350's
  • Cambodia accepts US currency.  The ATMs dispense US dollars.
  • The Bob Marley Burger is no longer on the Jungle Burger menu.
